Safety and quality in pest preventive management.
Concerned with maintaining a pest-free environment and the problems that these entail, in FUMIMAX we work every day to provide you a service in pest preventive management that has the quality and safety that you and your environment need.
A trustworthy alternative.
Since 1998 at FUMIMAX we have been working to reach the higest standards, certifying us, training us and updating our staff knowledge and fumigation equipment, in order to provide you the service you that you require.

We got to where you are.

Quality without borders.
That's why day by day we care and strive to continue growing, to be able to bring all the quality, service, punctuality and support that we have, and that we can offer to our clients within the region shoal and center of the country.
The support that you need.
- We have the Official Mexican Norm NOM-256-SSA1-2012.
- Implementation of quality audits.
- Certification advice: FSSC 22000, AIB, BRC, SQF, HACCP, ISO, LEED, EARTHCHECK, CGSS, ONGC y Distintivo H.
- Implementation of Integrated Pest Management(IPM).
- Staff Certified by STPS.
- Biological Department, Disinfection and Biosafety Department.
- Uniformed and Identified personnel.
- Labeled vehicles.
- Periodic visits by Quality Control Supervisors to make sure that the IPM program scope as established.
- IMP Folders.
- Layout of control devices (feeders, gum traps, b> UV lamps). li>
- Loan of control and monitoring devices.
- Placement, maintenance and signaling of control devices.
- Trend analysis of harmful fauna.
- Electronic service report.
- Semiannual, annual and multi-year contracts.